Currency exchange Warszawa

Our exchange office offers the best exchange rate in the city. We are located in the very center. It is possible to book a rate for 2 hours.

Currency exchange rates Warszawa

USDamerican dollarUSD3.99004.0100
NEWdolar od 2009r nominał 100NEW4.00504.0250
CHFswiss francCHF4.39504.4200
GBPpound sterlingGBP4.98505.0050
CZKczech korunaCZK0.16450.1680
DKKdanish kroneDKK0.52700.5450
NOKnorwegian kroneNOK0.30700.3200
SEKswedish kronaSEK0.32700.3370
ILSnew Israeli ShekelILS1.02001.1200
AUDaustralian dollarAUD2.4950
CADcanadian dollarCAD2.78002.8100
NZDsingapore DollarNZD2.2850
HUFhungarian ForintHUF0.010300.01060
JPYjapanese yenJPY0.02600.0275
CNYchinese yuanCNY0.55500.5700
HKDhong Kong dollarHKD0.50600.5220
THBthai bahtTHB0.1210
UAHukrainian HryvniaUAH0.09200.0965
ISKicelandic kronaISK0.02650.0273
BGNbulgarian levBGN2.1000
RONromanian leuRON0.8250
TRYturkish liraTRY0.1110
BRLbrazilian realBRL0.7150
MXNmexican PesoMXN0.19600.2200
KRWsouth Korean WonKRW0.002850.00293
PHPphilippine pesoPHP0.0660
SGDsingapore dollarSGD2.90503.0000
IDRindian rupeeIDR0.000250.00026
AEDDirham zaeAED1.09001.1200
EGPfunt egipskiEGP0.0840
Update: 2025-02-13 17:43:37

The courses listed on this page are introductory and do not constitute an offer. Please note that a commission is charged for card payments depending on the region of issuance of your payment card.

The rates presented do NOT apply to:
- low denominations
- written, damaged or soiled banknotes
- older editions
- coins

Currency calculator


Book a course for 2 hours and be sure that the declared amount is waiting for you 


If you have any questions or wish to reserve currency, please contact us by any means.

Punkt 1 - Żurawia 45

Punkt 2 - aleja "Solidarności" 117

Punkt 3 -  Marszałkowska 85 

Punk 4 - Plac Unii ul. Puławska 2 (poziom -1)

Zurawia 45, 00-680Warsaw
Al. Solidarnosci 117, 00-140 Warsaw
Marszałkowska 85, 00-527 Warszawa
Puławska 2, 02-566 Warszawa

About Kantor Kurs

With us you will always find the best euro exchange rate and dollar exchange rate. Wholesale exchange rate for all types of transactions regardless of the amount exchanged.


Kantor Kurs means excellent service, always favorable rate and safe operations.
All types of currency at Kantor Kurs in Warsaw.
We accept more than 50 types of currencies at our exchange office. We work with banknotes of different denominations and under different conditions
Always up-to-date exchange rates
We monitor the best exchange rates in Warsaw for you and provide the most up-to-date information.

Kantor Warsaw - opening hours.

We work without days off or breaks! The most advantageous and convenient service at a time convenient to you

Possibility to reserve currency

Contact the managers of Kantor Kurs and make sure that the ordered amount is ready and waiting for you.

Kantor Kurs Warsaw - Cheapest exchange office in Warsaw

Exchange Office Rate is a network of the cheapest exchange offices throughout Poland with a full range of additional services
  • Wholesale exchange rates
  • Acceptance of card payments
  • Money transfers via Western Union
  • Sale of gold and bullion coins

Where is the best place to exchange pln for hryvnia in Warsaw?

Currency exchange rate for hryvnia and hryvnia for pln is offered by Kantor Kurs. They also offer over 50 types of world currencies at the best rate in Warsaw. The current exchange rate can be conveniently tracked on the Kantor Kurs website and on the Telegram channel.


Where to conveniently and cost-effectively exchange a large amount of currency in Warsaw?

To exchange a large amount of money, you need to be sure that the transaction is secure and the selected money exchange office has the funds Currency exchange Kantor Kurs has the option of conducting transactions for large amounts at the wholesale rate and is responsible for security in accordance with all international standards. Branches in Warsaw and Wroclaw are waiting for you seven days a week.


Where can I buy the Canadian dollar in Warsaw?

The Canadian dollar and British pound are very popular in Poland and are the second most popular currencies to exchange after the dollar and the euro. Book the amount of currency you are interested in in Exchange Rate at the best rate in Warsaw and do not waste time searching and waiting.
