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Where is the best place to exchange currency in Krakow?
Kantor Kurs Krakow always offers the most favorable currency exchange rates in the city. Throughout the day, we monitor currency exchange rates at all exchange offices in Krakow to provide our customers with up-to-date information. Our current currency exchange rates are available on the website and in our Telegram channel. Kantor Krakow Kantor Kurs is open 7 days a week from 8 am to 10 pm.
Where is the most advantageous place to exchange a large amount of dollars or euros in Krakow?
If you plan to exchange a larger sum of currency, we recommend using the services of Kantor Krakow. Our Kantor Krakow guarantees a competitive exchange rate for hryvnias, dollars, euros, and other currencies to Polish złotys, both for smaller and larger transactions. Additionally, there is an option to pre-book the required amount by contacting us via phone or messaging on Telegram at Kantor Kurs Krakow.
Where can I exchange old or damaged banknotes in Krakow?
Old or damaged foreign currencies can be exchanged at our exchange office, Kantor Krakow. The exchange rate for non-liquid banknotes may differ from the standard rate. We encourage you to contact us by phone or send a message on Telegram for more information on this matter.